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Meet the Team

Property Manager-In Charge  -  Jeff Williamson
Jeff has many years of experience as a Licensed Residential Home Builder and professional experience in Property Management. Jeff has been with First Choice Property Management, Inc. since its establishment in 2000 and has continued to contribute to the steady growth of clientele.
Contact Jeff

Account Manager  -  Angela B. Thompson
Angela joined our team in 2013. She brought with her many years of experience in account management.  Angela also serves as our office manager, utilizing her abundance of additional knowledge at assist in streamlining day to day operations and help First Choice continue to offer the most up to date technology to better serve our clients.
Contact Angela 

Property Manager - Allison Blackmon
Allison brings many years of experience, both in-field and in-office, in property management . She is a valuable asset to our team. Allison works diligently with all tenants and owners to obtain required documentation, collection and processing requests and property maintenance work order.
Contact Allison 


Physical Address
605 North Avenue
Rock Hill, SC  29732

Opening Hours
Mon-Thu  9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 
Sat-Sun    Closed

(803) 366-2711
General Inquiries and HOA Services:

Rental Services:

Payment Processing:
First Choice Property Management, Inc.
PO Box 620723  
Orlando, FL 32862-0723

First Choice Property Management, Inc. / T 803-366-2711 / / / Managed by FCPM, created by WIX

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